
Academic Reading 正解数-Band換算表


Listening 正解数-Band換算表

正解数1⇒Band1 正解数2-3 ⇒Band1.5-2 正解数4-9⇒Band2.5-3 正解数10-16⇒Band3.5-4 正解数17-24⇒Band4.5-5 正解数25-30⇒Band5.5-6 正解数31-35⇒Band6.5-7 正解数36-38⇒Band7.5-8 正解数39-40⇒Band8.5-9

Writing Part2 必須練習問題41〜50

※制限時間 40分 250字以上(41)果物を飛行機で運べるようになったのはいいこと?悪いこと? (42)高校生こそ、ボランティ活動をさせるべきか? (43)コンピュータは教育にとってなくてはならないものになって来ている。 どの領域でコンピュータが強く、どの領域…

Writing Part2 必須練習問題31〜40

※制限時間 40分 250字以上(31)個人の幸せは経済的な成功に依るか否か? (32)仕事の環境が急激に変わっているそれはなぜか?また変化に対して人はどう対処すればいいか? (33)大学では教育で仕事に直結したことを教えたほうがいいか? (34)政府は福祉と教育に…

Writing Part2 必須練習問題21〜30

※制限時間 40分 250字以上 (21)大学で学ぶ学科はだれが決めるべきか?自分が決めるべきか? (22)若いうちは無償のボランティア活動に従事したほうがよいか? (23)学校教育は個よりも協調性に重点をおくべきか? (24)多様性のある民族国家は面白くて発展性があ…

Writing Part2 必須練習問題11〜20

※制限時間 40分 250字以上(11)民間団体に援助するべき?それとも国際的な組織に献金すべき?(12)環境問題を解決するには燃料コストを上げればよい? (13)私立に通うことはいいこと?悪いこと? (14)多くの国では老人は敬意を払われていない。それはなぜ…

Writing Part2 必須練習問題1〜10

※制限時間 40分 250字以上 (1)税金は払うべきか? (2)科学と美術。美術は人に何を与えるか? (3)大学を卒業しても仕事を見つけられない。社会や個人にどんな影響を与えるか? (4)教師は生徒に勉強だけを教えればよいか? (5)飛行機は燃料を消…


1.accumulation n.蓄積 2.aggravate v.悪くさせる 3.air polllution 空気汚染 4.alluvial adj.沖積の 5.altitude n.海抜 6.atmospheric condition 大気条件 7.attributable adj.に起因する。に帰せられる 8.barren adj.不毛の、やせた 9.belch n&v.噴出(す…


The interviewer will give you four different scores based on your perfomace in terms of four aspects. These four aspects are not equal each other.They don't carry the same weight.(weight:1>2>3>4) 1.Communicate skills. include body language…


Why is it not good idea to give one word answers?First,if you answer the questions with one word all the time,or too briefly,the interviewer will not be able to evaluate your English. The second reason is, the interviewer is a human being,…

Speaking-Part1 最初の1-2分が肝心

Most interviewers have got 3 purposes within the first 1-2 minutes of the interview. ■First purpose: to help candidate relax. Give casual questions. ■Second purpose: to get a first impression about your Englishlevel, to find out your Engli…


Part1 Introduction and interview(4-5 minutes)出題傾向 Part1における質問の多くは①と②の組み合わせである。 There are four major topics the interviewer may ask you to talk about in Part1・・・① 1.Your educational background 2.Your occupation 3…


If the candidate speaks very good English,very fluently, the interview might be shorter than 11 minutes.If the candidate speaks very poor English,the interview might be longer.


出題文章数:3題 1題あたり:1500-2500語 出題問題数:40問正解数1 Band1 正解数2-3 Band2 正解数4-9 Band3 正解数10-15 Band4 正解数16-19 Band5 正解数20-22 Band5.5 正解数23-28 Band6 正解数29-35 Band7 正解数36-39 Band8 正解数40 Band9


IELTSにおけるTask1とTask2の採点比重は下記の通り。Task1:30〜40% Task2:70〜60%

Writing Task1 曲線(Curve)系問題 重要表現

■形状(1) <動詞表現> rose(to) increased(to) went up(to) climbed(to) boomed <名詞表現> a rise(in) an increase(in) a growth(in) an upword trend(in) a boom in(a dramatic rise in) ■形状(2) <動詞表現> fell(to) declined(to) dipped(to)…


Listening 3500語 Reading 3500語 Speaking 3500語

Speaking Test Part2 - 練習問題(5)

Describe an adventurous perso you know. You should say: Who he/she is; What adventurous he/she did; And Explain why you like this person.

Speaking Test Part2 - 練習問題(4)

Describe a happy person. You should say; Who he/she is; What he/she does; How he/she expresses his/her happiness; And explain why you think he/she is happy.

Speaking Test Part2 - 練習問題(3)

Describe a successful person. you should say: Who he/she is; What he/she does; How he/she achieve the success; And explain why you think he/she is successful.

Speaking Test Part2 - 練習問題(2)

Discribe a neibor of yours. You should say: How you got to know each other; What type of person he/she is; How often you meet each other; And explain why you think he/she is a good neigbor.

Speaking Test Part2 - 練習問題(1)

Describe a family member you admire. You should say: Who he/she is; What his/her personality is; And explain his/her influence on you.


■誤り訂正以下の文章の誤りを訂正しなさい。①As for me,I think for both examinees or examinaers,the ②examination can show what and how much have the ③examinees mastered.The results of examinations ④just like mirrors for both examiners and exa…


■誤り訂正以下の文章の誤りを訂正しなさい。 ①By look at our own country from the outside,we can ②best see the strong points and weak point of our nation ③and therefore wide our visions and broaden our minds. ④While study in a foreign country…


101.anniversary n.記念日、年祭102.annually adv.毎年103.anonymous adj.匿名の104.antique n.古物、骨董品 adj.古風の、古来の105.anxiety n.心配、不安、熱望106.anxious adj.心配な、不安な、熱望して107.appeal n,v、控訴(する),訴える(こと)108.ap…


51.abrupt adj.突然の52.absolutely adv.完全に、絶対53.absurd adj.不条理な、ばかげた54.abundance n.豊富、充実55.abundant adj.豊富な56.acceptable adj.受け入れられる、適切な57.accord n,v.一致(する)、調和(する)58.accurate adj.正確な59.actua…


■誤り訂正 以下の文章の誤りを訂正しなさい。 ①Books are of the various kinds and have different ②contents.We have history books record past events, ③geography book dealing with the earth,mathematics ④books focusing in space and numbers.We ha…


■誤り訂正 以下の文章の誤りを訂正しなさい。 ①A part-time job offers you change to demonstrate your ②ability and to apply that you have learned in shool. ③A part-time job helps you become independent of ④your family.Third,the experice that y…


1.merit/benefit 利点/利益2.demerit/drawbacks 欠点/弱点3.put forward 芽を出す、促進する、提言する4.play an important/a significant role in... 重要な役割を果たす5.have a profound influence/effect on 深い影響力を与える6.have positive/negative…


Listeningで出題される問題の85%以上は会話中のフレーズを書かせる問題。 例) MAN:You should hand in your paper now! WOMAN:I haven't finished it yet. Could you give me a one week extension?Q.Fill in the blank no more than three words: The stud…