
Why is it not good idea to give one word answers?

First,if you answer the questions with one word all
the time,or too briefly,the interviewer will not be
able to evaluate your English.

The second reason is, the interviewer is a human being,
he will not feel very comfortable if you always answer
questions with one word.

Even if a question can be answered with one word,always
try to give some additional information after saying that
one word.

例1)Have you ever been abroad?
×No I haven't
○No i haven't been to any other countries before,but
I hope to study in England.That's why I come here.

例2)What do you like to do in your spare time?
○I like reading,playing basketball,and so on.
I play basketball once a week.

※On the other hand,you don't have to give a long speech.