
1.accumulation n.蓄積
2.aggravate v.悪くさせる
3.air polllution 空気汚染
4.alluvial adj.沖積の
5.altitude n.海抜
6.atmospheric condition 大気条件
7.attributable adj.に起因する。に帰せられる
8.barren adj.不毛の、やせた
9.belch n&v.噴出(する)、噴射(する)
10.bronchitis n.気管支炎
11.catastrophe n.大災害
12.Celsius adj.摂氏の
13.chimney n.煙突
14.chronic adj.慢性の、長期的な
15.circulation n.循環、流通
16.climatic adj.気候上の
17.concentration n.濃度、集中
18.condensation n.縮合、凝結
19.conifer n.針葉樹
20.conservation n.保護、保存
21.conserve v.保存する
22.contaminate n.汚染する
23.counterbalance n.平衡力、v.釣合わす、相殺する
24.deciduous adj.落葉性の
25.deforestation n.森林伐採
26.demographic adj.人口統計の、人口の
27.densely populated 人口密集の
28.density n.密度
29.desertification n.砂漠化
30.deteriorate v.悪化(退化)させる
31.dismal adj.暗い、陰気な
32.distribution n.分布、分布状態
33.domestic dwelling 住民住居
34.dump v.傾く
35.dust storm 砂塵嵐
36.ecological corridor 生態的回廊
37.embankment n.堤防
38.endangered species n.絶滅危惧種
39.environmentalist n.環境保護論者
40.epidemic n.流行病、adj.流行の


The interviewer will give you four different scores based on
your perfomace in terms of four aspects.

These four aspects are not equal each other.They don't carry the same weight.(weight:1>2>3>4)

1.Communicate skills.
 include body language


 many different sentence partterns.
 use them correctly.


Don't try to seek one hundred percent accuracy at the cost
of fluency.


Why is it not good idea to give one word answers?

First,if you answer the questions with one word all
the time,or too briefly,the interviewer will not be
able to evaluate your English.

The second reason is, the interviewer is a human being,
he will not feel very comfortable if you always answer
questions with one word.

Even if a question can be answered with one word,always
try to give some additional information after saying that
one word.

例1)Have you ever been abroad?
×No I haven't
○No i haven't been to any other countries before,but
I hope to study in England.That's why I come here.

例2)What do you like to do in your spare time?
○I like reading,playing basketball,and so on.
I play basketball once a week.

※On the other hand,you don't have to give a long speech.

Speaking-Part1 最初の1-2分が肝心

Most interviewers have got 3 purposes within the first 1-2
minutes of the interview.

■First purpose:
to help candidate relax.
Give casual questions.

■Second purpose:
to get a first impression about your Englishlevel,
to find out your English,to get initial impression
about your English level.

■The third purpose:
to find a topic for the remaining time of the Part1.
Any thing you mentioned might become a topic later.
If you carelessly mention something you are not very familiar
with,and the interviewer happens to be interested in that
topic,you will probably be in trouble.

An experienced interviewer will be able to reach his or her conclusion about the candidate's qualification within the first 1 to 2 minutes of the interview.

We should pay special attention to our answers to the first few questions.Sometimes people make simple and silly mistakes when they answer simple questions.

In the remain 10 minutes,the interviewr is trying to look for evidences to confirm his dicision.


Part1 Introduction and interview(4-5 minutes)出題傾向


There are four major topics the interviewer may ask you
to talk about in Part1・・・①
1.Your educational background
2.Your occupation
3.Your hobbies
4.Local customs or local culture of your hometown

There are four functions involved in Part1・・・②
1.State fact
2.Explain a reason
3.Describe something,especially a process
4.Compare something<1.State fact>
What was your major? (educational background)
What do you do?(occupation)
What do you like do in your spare time?(hobbies)
What is the most important festival in your country?
(Local custom)
What kind of food do people in your hometown like to eat?
(Local cuture of your hometown)<2.Explain a reason>
Why did you go to that university?
What made you interested in being a doctor?
Why do you like to play basketball?
Why do Japanese people set fire works during the festival?<3.Describe something,especially a process>
How do you operate a piece of equipment in your work?
Suppose you are riding a bicycle on your way to your school,
and suddenly you discover a puncture in your bicycle tyre,
then what do you do?<4.Compare something>
How do you compare travelling by train,by bus and by air?


出題文章数:3題 1題あたり:1500-2500語 出題問題数:40問

正解数1 Band1
正解数2-3 Band2
正解数4-9 Band3
正解数10-15 Band4
正解数16-19 Band5
正解数20-22 Band5.5
正解数23-28 Band6
正解数29-35 Band7
正解数36-39 Band8
正解数40 Band9